The Comprehensive exams covers all the material in this program (3 written exams along with 3  corresponding oral exams) After a written exam has been completed then the student must call the University for Instructor information for the oral exam in this same subject before moving on to a new subject.

The student must submit to the Department a qualified (an educator or local Imam) Supervisor's name, contact information and profile who will administer the written exam (the student must call the University directly for oral exam Instructor information)

The exams take approximately 5 hours to complete. Each oral exam will take 30 minutes to 1 hour.

The student must ONLY have a pen and ample supply of paper as the exam is hand written in printed form NOT cursive

NO CELL PHONES are allowed

The exams are pass or fail so it is very important to study very hard and dig deep into all material so you pass successfully, this exam is highly intense and challenging so be well prepared.