2 Credit Hours

Students will study the following subjects:

The meaning and the importance of the bases of Jurisprudence, the difference between the Base of Jurisprudence and the Figh controlling factor along with the difference between the Jurisprudent Base and the Fundamental Base.

Dividing Jurisprudent Bases: covers the Great and non Great Jurisprudent Bases along with the Offshoot Bases stemming from the Great Bases. 

The application of jurisprudence bases in various sections of Jurisprudence and outlining the views of scholars in this regard. 

References: Arabic & English: 
الأشباه والنظائر لابن نجيم - الأشباه والنظائر للسيوطي - غمز عيون البصائر شرح الأشباه والنظائر للحموي - القواعد لابن رجب - القواعد الفقهية لأحمد الزرقا (شرح قواعد المجلة). Nazaa'im Ibn al-Najim - Nazaa'im for the resettlement of - wink eyes Insights explain Nazaa'im-Hamawi - Rules of Ibn Rajab - jurisprudence of Ahmed El Zarka (explain the rules of the magazine)