
3 Credit Hours

Students will study the following subjects: 
* Reality of Iman (Faith) based on Ahlu Assunah, the Reality of Iman adopted by the Kharijites, Al-Mu’tazilah, AlMurji’ah, and Al-Jahmiyyah, the nullifications of Iman among Ahlu Assunah verses the people following their own whims and desires. 
*The Phenomenon of Excess in Atonement: by overviews and critiques: atonement of sin, atonement appointed without legal regard, atoning Muslim societies and its impact. 
* Prophecies: This subject covers: the meaning of Prophethood, the differences between a Prophet and a Messenger, the human need for the Divine Message, the definition of Prophethood, Prophethood and miracles, philosophers view of the Prophet(pbuh), the Message of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and its' proofs and the miracles that confirm his Prophethood. 
* Reconstruction of the Dead: This subject covers: reconstruction of the dead body and the unification of the soul and the body, discussion of the opinions of different sects and the proofs derived from each sect, discussion of different opinions regarding Heaven and Hell, discussion of the questioning of the angels of death and the punishment in the grave, discussion of the remaining events on the Day of Judgement by the opinions of different sect groups verses the right opinion based on Al-Qur’an and The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). 
* AL-Iman and Al-Islam: This subject covers: their definition, the relationship between them, discussion of the increases and decreases in Iman, opinions of famous schools of thought in this regard by outlining the most authentic opinion backed by valid references. 

References in English & Arabic: ‘Al-‘Aqeedah Attahawiyah, Al-Ibanah by Al-Ash‘ari, Al-Fatawah by Ibn Tyamiah (1-8)